Most Comprehensive Training Available
Our complete library of online and DVD training titles are an excellent reference for understanding numerous Adobe, Apple, and Microsoft programs. The detailed instruction on the software techniques, combined with project files to work along with the instructor, enable you to retain more and broaden your skill set.
Expert Instructor-Led Training
Instructor-led training is considered by all to be the most effective. These courses are an engaging learning experience taught by expert trainers. Exceptional Instructors Make A Difference - Accelerate your adoption of technology. When you choose us , you leverage the knowledge and experience of our expert instructors.
Interface Features
Set your pace for learning. Our interface offers useful features such as fast forward, pause, bookmark a lesson, track your progress plus many more. Features such as these allow you to watch the tutorials and learn just what you want.
Project Files
Work along side by side with the presenter to see just how it's done. Before you begin viewing your selected chapter, download the accompanying project work files so that you have them handy when the presenter references them.
Video training
is far more visual and dynamic than learning via books, providing for a much more understandable and memorable training experience. Like classroom learning, video training is led by an instructor, but it has the additional value of one-on-one instruction at any time. This means you can go back as frequently as necessary to review material you've seen before, or skip ahead to things you can't wait to learn.