This course will give you the ability to implement, manage, maintain, and troubleshoot security in a Windows Server 2003 network infrastructure and also plan and configure a Windows Server 2003 PKI. When you pass the Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network exam, you achieve Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) status. The Microsoft exam 70-299 It is designed for candidates who "operate in medium to very large computing environments that use the Windows Server 2003 network operating system. discusses analyzing, designing, and configuring security for networks. The tutorial provides real-world job situations and solutions, as well as solid source material to take and pass the 70-299 test.
Our courseware includes what you need in order to fully prepare for the 70-299 exam. Including extensive end-of-chapter review questions, hands-on exercises, our Windows Server 2003 courseware maps completely to the 70-299 certification objectives. It is designed to fully prepare you to successfully pass the exam.
Microsoft's exam 70-299, "Implementing and Administering Security for a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network" is a core or elective requirement for the MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) on Microsoft Windows 2003. Our multi-media instructor-led MCSE Exam 70-299 course provides you with the knowledge and skills to design a secure network infrastructure. Topics include assembling the design team, modeling threats, and analyzing security risks in order to meet business requirements for securing computers in a networked environment.
NOTE: All prices (above) are stated in Great British Pounds (£) and EXCLUDE any external examination fees. All prices are +VAT for EU sales
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