The Microsoft 70-620 test on installing and configuring Vista is the required exam to receive the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Vista, Configuration certification.
The great thing about learning with us is that with our Microsoft 70-620 courses are so flexible. you can study at your own pace at home or work (if you have access to the Internet or a CD-ROM drive). Our Microsoft 70-620 courses are broken down into small segments, enabling you to learn in your own time whenever and wherever it suits you. Computer Based Training that can be accomplished from your desktop or laptop computer. Our self-study products are amongst the very best, easy to use, and provide a highly rewarding studying experience.
You study when you want to study. You aren't tied to rigid classroom-schedules or dates. You don't have to finish the whole lesson if you don't wish. Just hit "Pause" and continue your training when you have time.
Do you want to help your staff become more effective in the new technology-based economy? If so, you should prepare your students for Microsoft 70-620 certification program that allows students to show their expertise through a world-wide industry standard that accurately validates skills and productivity in the workplace.
NOTE: All prices (above) are stated in Great British Pounds (£) and EXCLUDE any external examination fees. All prices are +VAT for EU sales
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